Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Lord is TESTING Me.

 To be completely honest, the are 7 million things that I should be doing other than writing this post right now, but it's really important, I promise. I haven't written anything since July because I wasn't inspired. July was an extremely rough month for me because I'd recently let God take control over my life and it hasn't been easy.


 The amount of things that were thrown at me were ridiculous. Housing plans for the next school year were changed, I found myself in need of a different job due to scheduling conflicts at the job I had, I hated that job too. I was juggling the stress of so many different things that I had one week where I gave up. I had been applying to different places, looking for housing for the next semester, asking God to please show me a way out because it was a struggle. I had about three weeks of uncertainty and it was agonizing. Not knowing anything about my life for the next (at least) three months was unbearable. I spent one afternoon sobbing on my living room couch because I honestly, didn't know what to do. Three hours crying on the couch, it wasn't pretty.
  While I was gracefully curled into the fetal position, crying like a little girl, I was clutching my Bible and praying that God would show me something, anything to give me some hope that it was going to be ok. Of course, God is good. He delivers and comforts us with His love. I opened my Bible and my eyes immediately fell to Job 36:15 which says "But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; He speaks to them in their affliction."
  I'm hoping that some of you aren't familiar with the story of Job, but if you are you can tune out of this paragraph if you want. The book of Job is found in the Old Testament and the story begins with Satan roaming around earth, then approaching God and challenging the Job's faith in God. Job lived a charmed life, he was wealthy, successful, healthy, had many friends, a large family, which led Satan to believe that Job lived a holy life because of God's gifts to him and would curse God if those things were taken from him. God allows Satan to test wreak havoc in Job's life. Satan took away everything that Job had. His family and friends urged him to curse God, because being afflicted with disease and poverty that suddenly meant that a person had sinned in those days. Everyone in Job's life assumed that he'd strayed from his righteous way of life. In the end, God rewarded Job with twice the amount of everything that Job had before his trials because of his trust in God.
  Reading that verse gave me a renewed hope and trust in God. Through the difficulties that I've faced this summer, I've realized that being an adult is hard. Most of the people around me are in the same boat, we feel like we've grown up too fast and now we're in this impossible world of college, work, paying rent, and responsibilities that we've never had before. It's scary, but I know that God is the only reason that I've been able to stay sane throughout this whole process.
  Everyone knows how easy it is to let yourself worry and stress about every little thing. It's exhausting and overwhelming and sometimes, we just need a break from everything. After having a month with several stress factors, God blessed me with a sense of security, a job and a place to live. So as I sit here, one week after those amazing blessings, with three finals this week, needing to finish rearranging two songs by tomorrow, and a wallet that's been missing for four days with everything in it, I am putting my problems, worry, and stress in God's hands. I'm relearning to trust Him to provide as he has time and time again.
Phillippians 4:6

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