Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thought Series: Rewind

 I just reread my first blog post and I wrote it three months ago. I think that I had just hit my lowest point in life and to me that was rock bottom. A lot of people might not think that not-so-steller grades, being homesick, and your friends seeming a little distant isn't a big deal, but to me it was. Now that I'm looking back at it, I see that my life is improving in every aspect. I can see God turning my life around and working in it every day. Today I'm realizing that just because my life is turning around doesn't mean that I don't have a choice in the change.  I ask God for things and expect them to be handed to me on a silver platter but I can't do that, it's simply not enough. Jesus is my Savior, not my fairy godmother. He's not going to be like "Oh, you asked for motivation today? Here's some motivation with a side of grace on a silver platter." God gives me choices to take what He's offering. The choices can be as simple as choosing to do homework instead of watching an episode of Desperate Housewives. I need to realize that each decision I make is an opportunity to do what God wants and glorify Him in every thing I do. So, I'm going to make the decision to not only step up and do what's right, but I'm handing it over to God again and again.

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