Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ear Candy: Next to Me

     This song isn't necessarily "life-changing", but I love it and I hear it everywhere I go.

 Emeli Sandé's 'Next to Me' shows us an amazing example of one of God's greatest gift to us: the presence of a true friend. Having someone like that in our life will make it complete because with someone like that, there is nothing that we can't face. That person will be with us no matter what we go through, good times or bad. She's talking about unconditional love. Clearly, this whole song is referring to Emeli Sandé's 'other half', but that person could be a friend, parents, or even a sibling. Obviously, it would be amazing if we could have that kind of relationship with everyone we meet. It would be even more astounding if that was the person that you got to spend the rest of your life with.  It doesn't matter who they are in your life, that person will always be true to you. That will be the person that your heart turns to.
 To me, this song is about how lucky she is and how much she admires this man. The only time that she isn't describing this man is when she's shouting from the mountain tops that he will always be with her. The first verse tells us that he's faithful, always a plus in a guy. She goes on to say that he's not the type of guy who's going to go out with the guys and gamble all his money away through the night. Clearly, he's already a keeper. Second verse: he isn't greedy and people's bad habits don't rub off on him. Verse three: his love is pure and true. How many people can say that? She knows that he will always love her and it's not for her money because she says that he'd stay with her even without her money. Verse four talks about how he's there to relieve her stress. When the pressure's on, he'll be the one who is there and helping her through it. If that isn't enough, she tells us that when no one else is there, he will be.

 The love that she talks about in this song is unconditional. I know that God already loves me like that and a thousand times more. If I could find a friend like that or even just be that person for someone, I know without a doubt that it would revolutionize the way I live my life. Think about it.

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