Monday, August 26, 2013

This is the New Year: Part 1

 The life of a college student is always exciting. Whether it’s going into your sophomore year and seeing your friends again, being a freshman and knowing where nothing, literally nothing, is or being a senior and an old pro, it’s exciting. Being college students, we tend to treat the beginning of the school year like it’s New Year’s Eve. We make resolutions. If I had a dollar for every single girl that said she’s going to work out this year, I could probably pay my tuition until I graduate and maybe for grad school too. Not many people go into a new school year without wanting to better themselves in some way, but for those of you who do: you’re lucky and should probably stop reading unless you want to be bored.
   Honestly, there are a million things that I want to improve about myself this year, but that would be too exhausting and I’m going to take it one song at a time. I have my goals divided in half because second semester exists. I find that it’s easier to achieve my goals if I divide my long-term ones into lots of short-term goals. That makes it seem like I’m making more progress and I give myself more small rewards along the way (MORE CANDY). If you’re still reading this, I’m going to assume that you’re a little curious about my goals and they are:
·      Surround myself only with people who will be a positive impact on my life.
·      Eat much healthier than last year (no more midnight cookies or Subway).
·      Study more, even if I hate it. Hard work will pay off with good grades, happy parents, and        a happier me.
·      Gossiping = bad. Don’t do it.
·      See my commitments through, no matter what.
·      Involve myself in more things that interest me.
·      Develop deep relationships with more of my friends. Remember, quantity not quality.
·      Go to sleep earlier so I can wake up earlier, because I’m a nanny and I don’t want to look        like a hobo when I go to class.

I know that this won’t be very easy. It’s the second week of school and I’m already sliding back into some old, bad habits (oops), the difference is that this year I’ve been catching them! Not only am I catching myself when I’m reverting back to my bad habits, but I realize when I’m making myself practice my new habits, which tells me I’m improving. Of course, this year will be a journey, like always.  Luckily, I’m always up for an adventure!